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My lockdown love story!!

People don’t usually share their love stories. But I felt that this is something that’s dearest to my heart and you guys too. That is why I had to share.. :)

So!! my love story began before this lockdown, may be in December. But in lockdown my love for my ‘Love’ kept increasing. Though I had not seen my love, I always spoke, fought, played, sang, gave flying kisses from distance and much more. It was a long distance relationship.

My Love kept growing and growing and growing even without seeing. I got to know that one can love a person even without their physical presence. Actually, I am a very weird person. Though I love animals, I hardly touch them, I don’t touch infants at all. I’m pretty much serious and I hardly smile.

But this ‘Love’ of mine is so different.My ‘Love’ laughs a hundred times a day and cries too. Seeing this ‘such a different personality’, I fell in love with myself a lot too.

Ever heard, Perfect by Ed Sheeran?

was what I used to sing in my head whenever I thought of my love.

I have pinged my pic with my love at the very end of this blog BUT WAAITT!! don’t see it until you reach there reading.

I met my ‘Love’ on 31st July who came home directly without even informing me. I was so nervous when I first met!! I could not believe that I was actually seeing my Long Distance love so near. I could touch I could feel( I could kiss though I was not allowed, you know what I mean!! ) I named my ‘Love’ with every name I could. But Cookie is my favourite.

Cookie is someone’s daughter. Cookie is someone’s universe. Cookie is someone’s ‘Love’. I am that SOMEONE 🙂

‘Darling, just hold my hand Be my girl, I’ll be your mom’


Cookie is my sister’s biological daughter and my own. Cookie has been with me since lockdown because my sister and BIL had come to visit when she was pregnant and could not go back due to the pandemic. My cucumber came to this world on 28th July, 7 exact months after my birthday! She has been my constant source of happiness during this tough and stressful quarantine time.

Happy Children’s Day 🙂

Loads of Love and Peace for my Cookie boo,

Your Favourite Chikkus❤️🖤

My cookie boo, my sister and me :)

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