3 lessons from 3 years of degree!
I did my graduation in a rural college. The best part was that I was capable of learning something new from all the 3 years of graduation. I thought of listing it down for you all today!!
1. Capable of handling the responsibility :
In the first year, being the junior most of all, I was ruling my super seniors!! I mean to say, in college fests and few other programmes, I was allowed to participate and lead my teams. I came to know here that even being the youngest I have the capability to handle a team, if your seniors are as cool and as crazy as you!!
Hahahahha, frankly it is my super seniors who made it all easy to me. 1st year of my B.Com was the best year and if at all I need to go back, I want to go back to that year because the fun I had with my super seniors was unforgettable. Those fun tests, over night events, hosting art gallery at the college, leading teams, winning, loosing and every fun and laughter was what I want to live once more and many more. I jelled with my super seniors more than my classmates.
2. Your people will not leave you:
2nd year was horrible than I had thought. Without my super seniors I had a feeling of ‘being alone!! But then came my childhood friends who made me feel safe. These girls stood just on my right almost covering me during the college election fights. That was a heck of tension week!! Though we won, we had been through a lot, a lot too much!! My girls never left my back and I didn’t leave theirs. I did get to know that if you’re good to your people and if you are available to them when they need, they will not leave you even if it is the end of world. I hope to be available to them even in future just the way they stood by me in those tough times. We did have a lot fun in second year too!!
3. You are on your own, you wanna win? You gotta fight! :
The last year! The final year! The corona era! 3rd year of my B.Com life!! More than half of the year my friends and I spent time on college election, fight, fests and exams. I hardly remember sitting in class and listening to lecture. Whenever we sat in class, someone or the other would be roasted in class, not us!! Why I said that we are on our own because, my 2 friends and I got to know the true colors of people. We had been so much backstabbed during college election that I had literally stopped trusting the very person sitting next to me. The whole class stood against us and sitting in that class for even during the break time was awkward to us. We were always found on the corridor with our own little gang. We did fight for our existence. That was the longest year and the biggest lesson learnt year. Luckily, due to the lockdown, I never saw those faces, I never got to sit with them or even talk!!
Now that I am done with that class, the year and that college, I am able to clearly think how these 3 years were. Happy to find a lot of real people and happiest to find more fake people and their true colors.
Thankful for all those years. Thankful for all those fake people, those fights and everything that really happened there.
Until next time!!
Nice sis
Good one bro🤭😂U can write a whole new blog on your third nd second year though😂
I'm devika,
Fantastic🤘 experience u had.. I liked more abt spice.. And ur journey was too good...# best talkative super senior.💕