Nirupama K. N.

Dec 26, 20204 min

How people confuse me for my sister!! 🤦‍♀️

Updated: Dec 27, 2020

What I’m going to tell you all is a true story!! And this happens with with me almost twice a week.

Getting confused between twins is acceptable because they resemble and they will have age gap of minutes. But my story is different!! Me and my sister have the age gap of not 7 minutes but 7 years!! Yet people confuse her to me. This happens with ME mostly, and not her.

We have been very different kind of siblings. We never wore similar dresses. We never studied together anywhere. We hardly lived with each other because in her KG life, I wasn’t born, in her primary life I was just an infant, for her high school and UG, she was in hostel. The only time I got with her is in her Engineering. So to be frank , this pandemic was the maximum time period I got to spend with her at a stretch. That is how different and distant we are, but love never grew less between us, you know!!

Coming to the main part, People confuse us for 3 things; Name, Voice and Looks.

I will tell you how people confuse for Names first. She is Anupama and I am Nirupama. Though we are from the same PUMA family, people whom I meet new, think my name is Anupama. This has happened in my school, college and I guess almost all places where they don’t know that I have a sister named Anupama!

I still remember correcting my name with Principal probably for the 5th time. Since then I was called by my roll number in my classes more than name. Few still call me Anupama with which I am tired of correcting that I respond to both the names now; got used to it now, but it surely pisses me off.

Next is the Voice. This is very funny because my sister’s voice is a bit thin and sweet where as mine is comparatively thick and strong. She speaks very soft and sweet but I’m a bit rude with attitude. Forget other people, sometimes our parents confuse our voice and end up calling other’s name over calls. I still remember how my Amma had blurted some important stuffs to me thinking it as Anu and then knowing it was me and repenting for it. To avoid these confusions, earlier I had some codes and stuffs which I had told few friends of mine to use as soon as their call is answered. I didn’t want my secrets to be spilled in front of anyone, especially her during the time where I had no phone.

Now for the Final and most irritating topic, the Looks. We both look alike, as per whole world and we inherit our father. In spite of having 7 years of gap with different height, weight, haircut, face cut, body figure , style and probably everything, they confuse us. I have always compared our pictures to find similarities. But NO!!Never found any such except for eyebrows. Even the colour of eye ball is different. I can list out infinite stories where I was talked to as my sister.

Just the other day, Anu and I had been to my cousin’s birthday where one of my uncles came talking to me asking about Cookie! He asked many things about her and as Cookie lives with me, I could answer them without any hitch. But when he told, ‘I still can’t imagine you have a daughter, you were a kid just before some years….blah blah blah’ I got to know that he has mistaken me for her, but I couldn’t comment anything regarding it because I claim Cookie to be my own daughter and my sister’s biological.

Take another instance- this lady is the Principal of a degree college and we both used to travel together in the same bus for 2-3 years at the least. More to it she is our relative and closest friend!! She came home during the Unlock period. I was excited to hear her that I went to greet her. She was so much surprised to see me that she instantly started saying how thin I had become, how young I looked and also asked how I feel seeing the baby play and everything. It was my Amma who got it and when we informed her, she felt so bad about it that, she kept repeating SORRYs even on calls.


3rd and a very interesting incident. I was standing in bus stand and a guy came in R15 (Oki fine, I remember bikes, cars, and electronics in detail! My eyes pop-out there first before people!! Can’t help..) and parked near. He straight away came to me saying, ‘Hi! You are Anu’s sister right!!’ I was like yes. Then he explained that they were classmates and he doubted me to be her. But seeing me in uniform thinking I wouldn’t probably be her, he came to talk and find out.

These are about humans. Machines are believed to perfect right?? They can’t commit mistakes right? But no! My sister’s phone had face lock and I had been to Bangalore. You know out of curiosity I showed my face and it opened! Hahahahaha it opened. That was it, since then neither she had her face lock in phone nor me (my phone didn’t support too)…:P.

How can I forget Google Pics, which finds every face in a picture, but in my case it confuses me to her too!!It has added so many pics of mine to her tagged folder and hers to mine!! Uffoo, When will this drama end??😛

Anyways, when I was young, these things usually didn’t hit my head. Later it started irritating me and now I have reached to that stage of my life where I will ask, What’s in name?? What I mean is, I have got used to it and have started ignoring these.

These were my experience being the younger one and the look-a-like one. If you have any such stories, comment below, we’ll have a nice time sharing.



Until next time!!
